dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2007

Prestatgeria fricky

Navegant per internet he trobat això:

The "Equation Bookshelf"

'Equation Bookshelf' is a simple idea of to divide things in priority order... put together the books that you need immediately or more important between (parentheses)! Set others between [square brackets] and {braces}.

Maybe today a beautiful flowerpot will be the most important thing! Tomorrow a portrait of a girlfriend and so on... A different and funny way to organize your objects!

Anna....busca-hi lloc....;)

6 comentaris:

Gemma ha dit...

mola el parentesis!
vale, broma facil....
i comento aqui ja les cartes de dalt...nhi ha de moooolt bones!

Kika ha dit...

no...si ja ho dic jo que sempre trobes les coses mes frikis!!!


annabimbana ha dit...

i want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mars' ha dit...

jqaja!!! I knew it!!!!ja intentarem trobarla...ejjej...pero on la penses posar?

annabimbana ha dit...

a la vall, obviously!!!

Mars' ha dit...

Sara!!!! no menteixis!!! que jo sé que també en vols una!!xD