La cadena és la creadora de les sèries més polèmiques de la televisió dels darrers anys. Començant amb Queer as Folk l'any 2000 i seguint amb The L word l'any 2004, Showtime ens ha ofert aquest any la primera temporada de la nova sèrie més polèmica: Californication
Aquesta és protagonitzada per David Duchovny (Hank Moody) protagonista de Expediente X.
La promo de la sèrie:
Els Red Hot han demanat una indemnització i la prohibició de l'emisió de la sèrie amb aquest nom. Aquests acusen a Showtime de "competència deslleial i robament d'identitat".
El vídeo de la cançó:
La sèrie està bastant bé ja m'he tragat la primera temporada (el que hi ha fins ara...xD)...amb capítols de 20-30 minuts que passa prou ràpid i quotes tan bones com:
Becca: Father?
Hank: Daughter?
Becca: Can I ask you something?
Hank: Anything, my love.
Becca: Why is there a naked lady in your bedroom?
Hank: You stay right here.
Becca: There's no hair on her vagina. Do you think she's ok?
Hank: I'll check
Hank: You looking for a dick punch?
Bill: Do you want to punch me in the dick?
Hank: I kinda do, yeah. But standing here talking about it is beginning to sound pretty gay
Meredith: Hank, I think we need to talk.
Hank: Talk, really? Has anything good ever come out of such a thing ever?
Meredith: I just feel like we've been spending a lot of time in the bedroom, which is nice, very nice. But I'm also just coming out of this horribly dysfunctional relationship that only existed in the bedroom...
Hank: Oh, okay, you want me to do you in the shower. You know, I get it, I get it. You want to go out on the town with some Hank on your arm. You want to stroll around with some of this. That's totally understandable. We can do it. We go out. Anything. Anything you want to do. We'll do it. Just name it. Let's go. Right now.
Meredith: Okay, there's this fund-raiser.
Hank: No, can't do that. That, that sounds excruciating. I won't do that.
Hank: "B" to the "I" to the double "L". What's up, my nig nog?
Bill: I need to talk to you.
Hank: Well, you should have called. I wouldn't have answered, but you could've left a message, which I would have quickly erased.
Hank: I love women. I have all their albums
Charlie: I'm sorry about your old man. You know, he was a good guy.
Hank: No he was not. He used to say you looked like a walking penis.
Charlie: Well, that's not very nice
Becca: Father?
Hank: Offspring?
Becca: That was a nice guitar.
Hank: Yes. Sometimes, it's best not to get involved in the affairs of others.
Becca: That's interesting, coming from the most intrusive man I know
entre d'altres................
Now playing: Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
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