dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2008

What's your theme song?

you are calm and collected, an idealist, a thinker your life is both calm and complex thus the song Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve matches your existence on planet earth oh so very well

3 comentaris:

annabimbana ha dit...

jo soc "Please don't stop the music", jeje, ens han canviat (tambe m'ha sortit el george lopez...ki es akest paio?) i el Garnett....

Anònim ha dit...

Pues mi canción es MISSION IMPOSSIBLE... :S

annabimbana ha dit...

mes peticions (he d'aprofitar... jeje), la de The Quest del Bryn Christopher? es la canço d'aquesta temporada de Grey's Anatomy i es bonissima!!!!